Many brilliant minds get shelved due to poverty and the inability to fund a good education. Dreams die, opportunities pass, time moves on. Many get shackled to their circumstances of hopelessness and doom and life is wasted in despair.

UMG supports the dream of children who have a dream for their future, by donating scholarships school supplies, and providing medical supplies to schools to ensure the student's wellbeing in an emergency.

Joining the mission means working alongside other professionals who have decided to use their skill set to forever change the lives of those less fortunate than themselves.

The lasting impact that you make on families and on a community is vital to their continued success. 

There are no skill sets that we can't find a use for so contact to join so you never miss another mission. 

Volunteer Opportunities

Upcoming Events 

Education Assistance

"The mind is a terrible thing to waste"

United Mission of Goodwill

"One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time" ​​

Future Missions

Medical Mission Trip TBA

Carriacou, Grenada

Surgical Mission Trip TBA

Falmouth Hospital Jamaica


Zoom Party/Raffle TBA